Monday, March 30, 2009

March Blog #6: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (an autobiography), originally published 1997, newest version (w/ afterword) published 2005

I like the book alright so far, I just have trouble appreciating the way Douglass writes. It can be difficult to follow some times. Of course, it is a classic for a reason. I can appreciate how this book can be as followed as it is. It truly is something else to read first hand from a slave's experiences.

I think possibly the biggest issue with the book is, though it may have been truly momentous at the time, as of now the concept has been done to death in various works of arts, both of fiction and fact, be they poem, song, film, story, hymn, or full fledged novel.

So, yeah, as awesome as the book may have been a hundred and a half years ago, it kind of loses some of the effect in the translation, no?

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