Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March Blog #8: Brisingr, Christopher Paolini, published 2008

Thank everything the book is over.

Honestly, Brisingr is simply not good. At all. It is a boring, repetitive, predictable story. Take Star Wars, throw some Lord of the Rings on top, and you've basically got the books story. Some of the characters are interesting, but then again Paolini also has a habit of introducing random characters and dropping them immediately.

The conclusion to the book is one of the most disappointing aspects of it. It ends with a stereotypical humongous battle, but that's not even the worst of it. A certain character from the previous book is rushed in within the final 50 pages, then he is dropped, and introduced again for some of the final pages, only to die over the course of about a paragraph. Mixed with Paolini's incredibly over descriptive style, this doesn't make for an appealing story.

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