Monday, April 27, 2009

April Blog #1: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (an autobiography), originally published 1997, newest version (w/ afterword) published 2005

Upon completing the book, it is apparent why this is a book that is read in class rooms and talked about world wide. And that is not necessarily a good thing.

The book is filled to the brim with straight up, semi sophisticated language, the kind of language that makes critics go bonkers (in a good way). Unfortunately, that sort of style does not always sit well with me and it made this book dry.

Another one of my issues with this book is the lack of flow, which is especially apparent in the first few chapters. Douglass kind of just randomly puts his thoughts down, which gives it a lack of soul reserved for your average documentary. One chapter he's talking about slave songs, the next one is about random slaves getting treated poorly. It's less an autobiography and more a first hand account of slavery.

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