Thursday, November 19, 2009

November Blog #5: Fight Club, by Chuck Pahlaniuk, Published 1996

I have just completed Fight Club.

Fight Club is the sort of novel that sticks with you, especially if you're a guy. I mean, the entire story seems to be based around the narrator struggling with his own masculinity, alternately doing absolutely bonkers things and then trying to keep himself in check.

The final chapter lends some powerful finality (no pun intended) to the story. The narrator finally got what he wanted, which was to be remembered, and it wasn't necessarily for all the bad things either. Though committing suicide can be a bit cliche.

I'd have to say Fight Club has sneaked it's way into my top 5 favorite books now. It really possesses a feeling of spiritual journey and abstract mysticism that drags you in, and refuses to let you go.

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