Thursday, November 5, 2009

November Blog #3: Fight Club, by Chuck Pahlaniuk, Published 1996

Fight Club is an introspective look into the psych of a man struggling with his masculinity. Around every corner waits something out to get him, or something that reminds him of his insecurity as a man. He was raised by a mother, we are told. He mentions his father creating a new dynasty every six years with a sort of reverence.

This book is weird.

I like it. Fight Club is pretty daggum awesome. It is at once poetic and gritty. I still have a lot more to read, but I now actually know what the "Fight Club" is! It is a chance for the narrator kick some serious butt and release his masculinity (that sounds kind of gross... this book is starting to get to me). He deals with his issues by kicking his issues in the face.


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