Thursday, August 20, 2009

August Blog #3: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, by J. K. Rowling, published 2005

(I'm about a third of the way through the book.)

And now we come to the sixth Harry Potter novel. The sixth film was my favorite by far (though, admittedly, that's not saying much), so I suppose this book has some shoes to fill. And I suppose that so far, the book has filled those shoes to the brim, and is now spilling slightly over the edge. Whatever that means.

I have grown to ignore Rowlings prolific use of adverbs in dialogue attribution. The books are very well written on the whole, and they continue to keep me guessing, which satisfies my inner mystery craving.

The best part of these novels, and in this one particular, it seems, is the strength of the characters. Dumbledore is pretty awesome, Malfoy has finally seemed to change at least a little bit, Hermione has gotten a lot less one-sided, and Snape has always been awesome. Unfortunatelly, having seen the film, I know perfectly well that Snape is the Half-Blood Prince, but the film did not explore his writing as well as the novel, and the picture of Snape that is being painted makes Snape a very interesting character.

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