Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May Blog #3: Jurassic Park: The Lost World, by Michael Chrichton, published 1995

I have just hit about the 5/6 part of the story, and a lot of questions are being answered.

I've got to hand it to Chrichton, the man does a decent job of applying fictional science and making something sound plausible. For example, his explanation for the barbaric nature of the velociraptors is interesting, and makes one think about the effects of placing technology in the hands of nature.

Sadly, Chrichton has a habit of putting entirely fictitious "facts" into these Jurassic Park stories. For example, there is no evidence a T-Rex could not see you if you don't move. And the carnosaurs in this story, for whatever reason, have chameleon like color changing abilities.

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