Thursday, September 24, 2009

September Blog #5: A Briefer History of Time, by Stephen Hawking, published 2005

Current Chapter: 3

How does one even begin to fathom the secrets of our universe? Who holds the key?

The answer, my friends, is not blowing in the wind. Past philosophers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy began a rather difficult job, and Stephen Hawking is doing his best to finish it.

A Briefer History of time is (so far) an incredibly accessible book. Hawking, one of the greatest minds of our time, has condensed the progression of our understanding of the universe into two chapters in a book. That alone says something.

Now, I'm not going to say I haven't learned anything, but I am looking forward to some of the heavier stuff, because I've already read a great deal about Ptolemy. Nerd alert!

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