Thursday, September 10, 2009

September Blog #1: Selected Essays, by Ralph Emerson, published 1882

Why, oh why, did I start reading this?

I think I should've known that I had had enough of the transcendentalists. They're crazy. Maybe that's harsh. Maybe that's not.

But reading the essay titled "The Over-Soul" leaves me of the opinion that it is a little harsh. While I tend to agree with some of Emerson's views, I do not agree with them to the extent that he would believe them (most of the time).

For example, I agree with his belief that religion is a personal thing, and not something that is a "sweet envelope" with which to cover the people. However, Emerson is a tad more hypocritical than I am (or at least, I like to think so). He believes that only through his methods may one achieve total humility in the face of God. How can religion be so vulgar and overbearing if he claims his way is the only way?

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