Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Blog #4: The Shining, by Stephen King, published 1980

I don't usually do horror books. Or movies for that matter. I'm kind of faint of heart, but I've made exceptions in the past, particularly regarding movies.

A couple of years ago, my friends and I had a movie night, in which we stayed up all night watching horror movies. These movies practically forced us to stay up anyway, so I wasn't quite as sleepy as one might think. Directly after finishing Alien (awesome movie, by the way, some cool symbolism and disturbing imagery), we popped in the Shining, to be greeted by perhaps my favorite horror movie of all time.

And now, I've gotten around to starting the novel.

And it starts off quite slow. I suppose this shouldn't come as a surprise, because so did the movie, but it caught me off guard, because very little has happened so far.

Suspense building? Maybe a little. I can draw connections between King's self-proclaimed alcoholism, and the alcoholism of the main character Jack. Maybe as I continue this book, I'll draw a few more.

1 comment:

  1. Great job for 12/11/09

    Your word play is great fun to read! Thanks for entertaining as you blog!

    My friends who tend to enjoy the horror genre say that The Shining is one of the best. I can't get Jack Nicholson's face out of my mind, and he scares me! My understanding, though, is that the character in the book seems more sane in the beginning, so you believe that the place gets to him, rather than that it just provides an opening for his already crazy self to emerge.

    Great reading choices--keep up the good work, and please stay in touch. I hope to see you in creative writing next year!
